Do you want to have the greatest sex of your life and are you a woman? 
Were you raped or sexually abused as an adult or a child?   
Do you need to heal betrayal trauma?
Are you the "unicorn" in a threesome and struggling to cope because the woman is sexually abusing you either physically and or energetically?
Is your marriage faltering?  Check out my empathic psychically channeled definition of marriage below!!!
Are you getting attacked by a man who thinks he can rape you psychically through his wife who is attracted to women but can't manage to leave him to make her own dreams come true?  Because unfortunately, women do attack women sexually now and it's hard for a woman to admit it but it happens all the time because their marriage has become empty, cold and non of the expectations she had when she remarried him.  Some men just like to fight to land the big fish, but not to keep them and they'll put them back in the water for someone else to catch, but not after they attempt to destroy them first.  And I can help you to fully recover from this type of spousal abuse in a way that will make the man feel self ashamed, aka "smug" and you'll know it's true. Not to be confused with Self Satisfaction which you will feel as a woman leaving a man who is an abuser and you know it.
I promise to fully teach you how to heal your Multiple Personality Disorder and Assumed Multiple Personality Disorder, Rape, Assault, Battery, Bipolar 1+2, Manic Depression, Clinical Depression,  Emotional Dysregulation,  Anxiety, Mood Swings, CPTSD + PTSD, ADHD + ADD, Emotional Disorders, suicidal thoughts, real life physical traumatic accidents, war torn life history and any and all relationship trauma of all kinds because I make you a teacher the moment you complete my teachers course or your money back. 
Helping women to escape the inescapable sexual trauma and abuse of the narcissist in all ways but especially, sexually
My Story continues but at first, with my Bipolar 2, multiple personality disorder, rape, incest and childhood physical abuse, they told me I would never change and that I would have to find a way to live in the pain of a fragmented, depressed, helpless soul.  I found my own way.  I now teach graduate teachers the very same method I created in order to help myself to heal.  I turned my life around into the inspirational joy I experience day by day and I can help you to become a registered, certified teacher in a way that dramatically changes you into the Divine Feminine Tantric Sexual being that you are.  
It is about time for you to call upon the divine teacher already within you and make your way in the world how you were supposed to, as a divine feminine goddess and I guarantee that you will want to teach this course by the time you complete it because I can teach you what psychology can't. 
"Yesterday I experienced something so simple, yet so profound that today I remain in awe. It was just a hike, just putting one foot in front of the other on a trail through the forest. Just conversation between friends. Just a regular day. Then Jaia invited me to try a simple visualization exercise. She spoke, we walked, I imagined. In only a few minutes, we were still walking, still putting one foot in front of the other, but I was different. Changed by only words and thought. As Jaia continued to guide me with her words, I uncovered what my soul had been looking and longing for, for many years. There were tears and jumping, laughter and celebration. I kept asking, "How can it be that simple?" Many years of counselling hadn't brought me to this point. I had goose bumps when I realized what this breakthrough meant for me, meant for my life and those that share it with me. I tried to find words big enough to thank Jaia, but they don't exist. I revelled in the fact that I knew the path forward.  Jaia revelled in my joy. " Sue Benner Johnsen,  elementary school teacher

The Definition of Marriage According to the Only True Certified Pleidian Channeler of this Time Period and the Books are Coming to Prove it
"Marriage is two growing individuals who form an indestructible bond of loyalty through the evolution of the self into loving each other more because they love themselves, marriage is the relationship between souls on the TwinSoul tm journey, marriage is the expression of the relationship of Love. Marriage is worthy of both TwinSouls tm with the right matched souls, and marriage is healthy for both people. TwinSouls tm are the only marriage that matters because marriage means we stay together without separation as we are both together in our lifelong, marriage.  And lastly, marriage creates MORE love, respect, loyalty, and devotion,  but not only is it the most important point of them all, 
marriage means great sex and intimacy"

i can also help guide you to prevent and stop psycho-spiritual attacks of the sexual nature from all men and any woman because I Am the Empowered Empath and so will you be by the time you receive your course diploma.
Start Here:  I Am Empowered After Sexual Abuse Teacher's Program
6 months in succession 
bi-weekly private appointments 
12 appointments and four phases total

Additional features, advantages and benefits
no experience is needed to become a certified Angel Healer of the highest order, The Empowered Empath Teacher's diploma includes the following and allows you to begin teaching the course to other women only straight away:
permanent healing from childhood abuse, sexual abuse and any other traumas that hurt you
heighten your experience of sexuality with your loved one
feel immediate aid, relief, self soothing, 
you learn the technique to teach your own students to provide a source of income
the fast track to self guided, facilitated assistance for those on the twin flame journey
high success rate for clients in short amount of time compared to traditional therapies which may take years
works very gently, there are no big, scary shifts to throw you out of balance
restore confidence and well being in daily life
clients consistently report having a higher state of self awareness just after the second phase, that's only after two hours of training
you will feel it working immediately I promise
allows for monumental healing in limited time in a graceful way that empowers you
This is available to anyone who suffers from traumas or mental illness and is a woman. 

* Delivered over the phone or internet or in person upon appointment only , you must speak and understand English and have a solid internet or phone connection.  Calls are free to USA and Canada.  Working over the phone you must have a quiet, private room available to you, wear headphones and be able to lay down undisturbed for 1-3 hours during each session. 
*Sessions may be served in person locally to the St. Catharines area at her location or and only upon discussion and confirmation that an area is appropriate for this type of divine work, will she come to your location to work in person, but she has been known to deliver her course training spiritually from time to time on her own
 *You do not need to know how to meditate and people who "say" they cannot visualize are still successful
* you must sign a nondisclosure form to participate in this program as it is in the final stages of development and has not been released to the medical community as of yet
*Jaia fully guarantees her program at no additional cost to you, if you do not feel it working immediately or are unsatisfied for any reason she has a full money back guarantee based on her success rate, you will agree that she can change your life and no one has ever asked for their money back.
 $19,599 cdn (sliding scale may be available with prove of homelessness or lack of funds)

Fill out this contact form to schedule your complimentary Q & A with Jaia to discover if you are a fit for her proprietary, certified empowerment teacher's program today!
As of December 2023 and January 2024 all of my belongings were stolen in Mexico and that means my email address has temporarily changed, also don't trust anyone else with the last name Konik who reaches out as i an certain my ex- family is behind this, but when you sue, they understand that they are at fault when they begin attacking you and i predict that I'll be back on my feet in no time at all! Keep the queries coming and please try to resend if you've gotten no response becauae my entire family will pay for what they've done to hurt me in the past and now preaent too.
Thank you for your inquiry to Jaia Konik. Jaia typically responds to all business inquiries within 48hrs during the business week.

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