From clients who have participated in Empowerment Training, had readings, reiki healing or purchased art from Jaia
"Yesterday I experienced something so simple, yet so profound that today I remain in awe. It was just a hike, just putting one foot in front of the other on a trail through the forest. Just conversation between friends. Just a regular day. Then Jaia invited me to try a simple visualization exercise. She spoke, we walked, I imagined. In only a few minutes, we were still walking, still putting one foot in front of the other, but I was different. Changed by only words and thought. As Jaia continued to guide me with her words, I uncovered what my soul had been looking and longing for, for many years. There were tears and jumping, laughter and celebration. I kept asking, "How can it be that simple?" Many years of counselling hadn't brought me to this point. I had goose bumps when I realized what this breakthrough meant for me, meant for my life and those that share it with me. I tried to find words big enough to thank Jaia, but they don't exist. I reveled in the fact that I knew the path forward. Jaia reveled in my joy. " Sue Benner Johnsen, kindergarten teacher 2021
"I've been to a few readings from other people but never came out satisfied.  Jaia; however, by far was the most accurate in the areas of love and speaking about my children.  I was easily able to connect and correlate with so many things she spoke about. "  Suzanna Guzzi, Educator 2023
"I must confess Jaia's readings were uncannily accurate about my Twinflame journey and I can only assume what was forecasted about my love life will be as well.  You described her behaviours to a T as well as what I just went through.  And the fact that you picked up on my energy as being DF even though I'm a male is also correct.  Wow!  I'm almost speechless!"  Eric Hall , Online Video Readings 2022
"I've known Jaia for over 10 years.  I've truly seen a transition to wellness in Jaia over these years.  She is the only person I fully trust to open up to spiritually.  I fully trust Jaia.  Jaia has always been a warm person, very easy to talk to and nothing is off limits.  It's just easy to talk to Jaia and open up.  Though Jaia has been someone I've trusted for years, only recently have I reached out to her therapeutically.  It seemed natural because I've always trusted her guidance.  My whole family has.  Jaia has read cards for my family members and been extremely accurate in her tarot readings.  She's extremely intuitive!  It's very comforting.  In her program I was guided through very impactful visualizations.  It was like an UN-MEDITATION.  It's different from anything else I've tried before and I've tried everything!  I've done CBT, DBT, mindfulness training and nothing has been as impactful.  I can use this method ANYWHERE!  ANYTIME!  Once you learn it, you can do it daily."  Joanna Kriszka, Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) & Insurance Underwriter 2021
"I just wanna say it was such a pleasure to meet Jaia.  The reading was so accurate and also gave me hope and guidance.  She is such a genuine soul and I can't wait to see her again after the new year for another session!"  Hayley Maureen 2022
"I was giving my power away but now I know my power is always within.  This is groundbreaking.  I feel like I quantum jumped.  I trust the flow.  I feel more empowered.  I don't feel as anxious or as worried as I would have a couple months ago.  My relationships have improved because my relationship with myself has improved.  It's a greater connection to me.  The visualization helps me feel spiritually supported.  Part of the power I was giving away was always within me.  It took me alot of processing to realize that.  Now I'm feeling through my heart because I know that my heart is true."  Christine Higham, Yoga Teacher 2021
"Thanks for this great reading. One thing that I wasn't expecting would resonate me is the twin flames union you mentioned. It was jaw dropping. Thank you." Cora Oo, YouTube  2022
"Wow that was amazing! This was spot on in my healing journey right now! I will be getting a journal..I’ve actually been thinking about it a lot lately! I’ve been single for 6 months now..and I’m excited to see who my person will be..I’m trying to be patient because I refuse to settle..but I also know when the timing is right it will happen ☺️..thank you!!" Carrie Moore, YouTube  2022
"Thank you for taking time out of your day to uplift my spirit. You are amazing and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your messages and readings!!! You are a gift!! Blessed be ✨"Jaime Tate, YouTube  2022
"My whole train of thought has changed! I'm learning how to control my thoughts and emotions in a way I never imagined before! It's so easy, I can switch in an instant. My partner has noticed that I am happier and more confident in daily life and I'm learning more about myself." Whitney Allison 2021
"This process is fantastic!  It helps you to regulate your thoughts.  It redirects your mind into the field of possibilities... where it should be!  The empowerment system inspires you to create a better version of yourself and how to be that person you want to be.  It doesn't only help you on your spiritual path, but also in everyday life."  Patricia Robles, B.S.W. 2021
"My heart feels really open. I feel excited, inspired and empowered. I can't wait to take action on what I just discovered. I have a brand new road map to my dreams that I didn't have 15 minutes ago. I am very surprised and awe inspired by the new ideas and strategies that came to me. And the crystal clarity that came to me so quickly. This is better than years of therapy and traditional personal growth programs. I can see my whole life changing very rapidly now and my dreams manifesting with absolute ease.  Jaia is a true miracle worker.  I love her and her work.  I learned more about empowering people in a few sessions with Jaia than I did my entire Master's degree in Psychology from University of Toronto." Sharon J Love, M.Ed Psychology 2020
"What an amazing turnaround to establish a brand new sense of empowerment around my financial freedom!  It was so easy using the Empowerment Program!"  Karylin Smith, Artist - M.F.A 2021
"Today was my introduction to Jaia's empowerment technique.  It was simple, quick and POWERFUL!!! it felt like I reclaimed part of myself which had been missing and as this part entered my body I began to feel whole.  Love surrounded my heart and a warm tingly sensation encompassed my body.  This all in under a minute!!!  I can't wait to experience the full extent of The Empowerment Program!!!  Jaia is AMAZING!!!"*edit "After our last session I didn't want to do anything. I wasn't meditating, wasn't eating right and business was lagging, BAD! But then I started finding myself, I started meditating again, started to eat right and drink a lot of water, I started taking supplements and I had forgotten all about the empowerment technique. Then, when I was meditating, Jaia came to mind and I used her process to begin changes and creating my dreams immediately.  Now what can I say besides....DAMMMMN! I love it! Life is great! Business is BEYOND great and I'm exactly where I dreamed to be! My business has EXPLODED!!! Last month I made in 30 days what it took me 6 months to make the year before!!! And business is only getting better."  Lisa Richards, Meditation Master\Frequency Influencer - Pyramid Surge 2020
"It's a direct line to the universe and all you have to do is place your order. I can tell you no amount of meditation gave me a direct line to the universe. Definitely something I've never been able to do before!  The most intriguing part of the empowerment program is how everything builds and fits together.  It's a very powerful healing tool.  I feel capable and supported to handle any future issues that will arise!"  Ange, C.Y.C 2020
“The empowerment process is so quick and easy!” she said. And she was right.  I am, by nature, a very critical thinker. I don’t take much for granted and when it comes to new things, I need to understand how something works before I put much stock in it.  When I started this journey with Jaia, I was hopeful, but also hesitant. Jaia is so full of positivity and joy, I couldn’t see myself reaching a level anywhere close to that. And certainly not as easily and quickly as she promised. As she guided me on my first steps down a new path, I stumbled. But, Jaia, ever supportive and encouraging, held my hand and guided me forward once again. And then it happened! And it was easy! And it was fun! And exciting! And all the things she said it would be and so much more! I finally understood how it works and how fast.  I am now on my path and I look forward to the next chapter in my journey and I owe it to Jaia and her method for helping me see that I, like anyone else, can benefit so wholly from it.  Let the healing continue as the next journey begins." Annie Gibbons, Entrepreneur 2021
"To say it makes sense is an understatement!!! You have blown my mind I will be contacting you soon for another reading!!!! You are AMAZING!!  Anyone who doubts you is missing out on a glimpse into their future!!!! Thank you again so very much!!!!"  - Amanda Lynn Daley, received free online mini intuitive photo reading, May 2020
"On the day of Jaia's reiki treatment I could strongly feel a cluster of energy move, and I needed no pain medication that day."  Joyce, Nov 2019
"Thanks so much ma'am I got a free mini reading from you. And they are all accurate can't express how much gratitude I feel that you alone understands how I feel. Thank you so much dear. " - Ugbena Divine Martha, received a free mini tarot reading March 2020"
"Among other things, I have worked with Jaia to remove energetic blockages. She gave me insight about where they were, root causes and real time instruction removing them. After the session I felt re-energized, optimistic, and equipped with further understanding I could carry forward. - Ange,  client for Reiki and readings 2017-2019"
"After my reading with Jaia I am feeling more empowered, the message from my dad telling me to slow down and really speak up for my self with no guilt was what I needed to hear.  Jaia's work will be honoured by those that seek her council." Nancy, Nov 2019
"I felt more awareness and the clearing of my throat chakra.  I truly felt internal shifts after my Reiki treatment with Jaia."  Reiki client, Dec 2019
 "Jaia Konik thanks so much! You were definitely SPOT ON!!! I totally resonate with everything!"- Lisa Richards, received a free online intuitive photo reading February 2020
"Even months later I found that I continued to draw upon the information I learned during my reading with Jaia." - reading client, August 2019
"I am wearing my new spiritual shirt now and yes!!! The intuitive message resonates with me.  It is all so perfect!" - Nancy Yule, owner of Jaia's spiritual art work, February 2020
"I recently visited with Jaia for an intuitive past life reading. Her sincerity and sweet spirit was apparent, and I felt comfortable immediately. Starting with a chakra meditation, she then had me connect with my higher self and the message I received was amazing and meant so much to me. On to the intuitive past life reading that explained several issues in my current life. Then the advice given to me when she channelled my guides was just what I needed to hear. Jaia’s sincerity and guidance is pure, and I definitely recommend a session with her if you are looking for answers in your life.  Thanks so much Jaia!"  Marilyn - reading client, February 2020
"Jaia Konik you are on point with everything including Egypt and Starseed.  Thank you for the so correct description of my path" - Csilla Brinkacs, received free online intuitive photo reading, January 2020

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